Een initiatief van: 3D o.g. en Bouwbedrijf Joziasse
Vlissingse Ontwikkelingsgroep (VOG)

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Walls Timeline


Smells Racy Free Announcing

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

Smells Racy Free Announcing

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

Smells Racy Free Announcing

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

Smells Racy Free Announcing

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

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Gesloten tijdens de feestdagen

Tijdens de feestdagen van 20 december tot 6 januari is ons kantoor gesloten.
We zijn wel bereikbaar via de mail voor dringende vragen:

Verkoopvragen lopende projecten:
Domburg, Nyverheid: Wisse Vastgoed 0118-580055
Vlissingen, Koperslagerij: Krijger & Dieleman 0118-764036